Hanping Chinese Dictionary

Hanping Chinese Dictionary 187  , Hanping Cantonese Dictionary 56  , Hanping Camera 27  , Hanping Popup 14

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 3.3.1 released!

February 13, 2013

Fixed ‘invisible’ example sentences in ABC Chinese-English dictionary Fixed tags ordering in Tags dialog Fixed some comma-containing links in CC-CEDICT dictionary Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 3.2.11 released!

January 10, 2013

Fixed rare handwriting crash & made some handwriting UI tweaks - now, instead of pressing the “left” arrow icon in the bottom-left corner, you press the tick icon in the bottom-right corner, to take you to the search results Generate vocab sheet from starred list - this allows you to share a starred list as text using Android’s powerful Share feature.